Prosper Economic Development Corporation

About Us
The Prosper Economic Development Corporation (PEDC) invites the opportunity to visit with you about your business needs. The Corporation is a Texas 4A sales tax corporation that invests its sales tax revenues on behalf of the community of Prosper. We encourage additional private investment that will increase and diversify the tax base, create jobs, lower residential taxes, increase the number of retail, commercial and industrial companies locating to the Town and improve Prosper residents' quality of life. On May 6, 1995, Town of Prosper voters approved the 4A Sales Tax proposition which increased the sales and use tax by ½ of 1% for the promotion and development of new and expanded business enterprises. The Corporation is town-chartered and governed by a 7-member Board of Directors appointed by the Town Council. 4A eligible projects include land, buildings, equipment, facilities, improvements, and expenditures related to: Manufacturing, industrial, research and development, recycling, small warehouse and corporate headquarters facilities and distribution centers Job training for primary jobs and commercial/retail. Infrastructure assistance for commercial/retail projects Business-related sewer utilities and site improvements Business airport facilities and port-related facilities General airport facilities